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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Coffee Craziness

I just have to talk about my most recent encounter with someone who did something stupid. A few days ago I was at a coffee shop and I ordered an egg nog latte ('tis the season). I love egg nog and when I don't get it I get a little sad.

Order was paid for and maybe two or three other people were waiting for their drinks by the pick up area. One by one the drinks are called out. At last I hear the wonderful words, "tall egg nog latte"! I start to get my beloved drink when a man steps in and takes this drink. He was in front of us in the line so maybe he ordered the same drink. He sat down at a table not too far from that drink pick up area.

Another drink came out and then one more after that. "Tall non-fat 190 degree egg nog latte!" The barista had called out the drink but no one was claiming it. My friend that was with us noticed this and told the barista that it belonged to the man who took my drink.

So the barista yelled out the drink again in the direction of where the man was sitting. He half turned around in his chair for a second and then turned back to the conversation at his table. Thankfully the barista was able to make me a new drink!

In thinking about the whole situation I have so many questions I would love to ask that man. First of all, if you're such a coffee snob ordering a drink with more syllables than the Declaration of Independence, don't you think you could taste the difference between your drink and one that didn't have all the specifications your drink has?

What about this: if you know you have the wrong drink, why not be a man and fess up? I guess your 14-syllable drink wasn't that important to you after all!

It's a classic case of acting before thinking. You do something and after some thought you realize you did something wrong. If people would take their mind off autopilot once in a while and use their brain then people would be more inclined to make better decisions.

To that man at the coffee shop: I hope you enjoyed your fattening cold coffee!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he wanted to impress someone so he ordered the fancy drink but deep down he just wanted to be normal and have a plain old Eggnog Latte


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