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Monday, November 7, 2011

Push or Pull?

Have you every noticed someone trying to open a door the wrong way? I've seen people look at the door and do the opposite of what it says to do. They pull when they are supposed to push.

Is this because people are determined not to be told what to do? I'm not going to have some door tell me what to do. The funny thing is in the end the door gets its way. Maybe this would be a good lesson on how not to be pushed around (great for doors that say "pull" on them).

Is it perhaps confusing to know the difference between push and pull? People confuse left and right all the time. (I didn't get it right until I learnt to drive).

Some people have anxiety when they take a test. Maybe this is a pop quiz they didn't study for and in a wave of self-doubt they choose the wrong answer.

One thing that is confusing is when the door has the handles on the wrong side of the door. The flatter handle you typically push you now are supposed to use for pull and vice versa. I guess some people are too cheap to get a door that makes sense.

What about when you're trying to get to a store and you can only find exit doors? Later you find out the entering doors are located around the corner and downstairs. (True story!)

What else is there to know about doors? Anyone?

1 comment:

  1. So I have a funny Story about doors. Safeway has two enterances and for some reason after 7:00pm they decided that one of the entrances needs to be locked. Every night you can see people walking up to the doors and it doesn't open. They push, they pull and they peer in seeing people inside they cannot get in so they try the door one last time then defeated they turn and leave. The store must be closed. Then there are the half smarter people that realize there is another door and head to that door head down in shame. So funny...who needs TV when there is real life.


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